The Fold Over Finger Splint – Finger Cot Finger is designed to be bent over the tip of the finger and run down the top and bottom of the finger.TAPE NOT INCLUDED!!!
The Fold Over Finger Splint – Finger Cot Finger is designed to be bent over the tip of the finger and run down the top and bottom of the finger. The finger splint can then be taped with medical or sports medicine tape for proper support and immobilization. The entire inside of the finger splint is lined with soft foam for a comfortable fit even for sore, injured fingers.
Application Instructions
Slip the injured finger into the finger splint so the fingers splint is on the top and bottom of the finger. With medical or sports medicine tape, tape the finger splint around the finger until the finger is secure and immobilized. Adjust finger splint for desired fit, support, and comfort.
Size Guide:
1" – Finger splint covers first 1" of the top and bottom of finger
2" – Finger splint covers first 2" of the top and bottom of finger
3" – Finger splint covers first 3" of the top and bottom of finger
3.5" – Finger splint covers first 3.5" of the top and bottom of finger
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