500 Mile Chai, 4 Ounce Tin


About This Product :

  • Rich, malty, and spicy, blending especially well with milk and sugar.
  • Chai is an integral part of life in India and simply translates to ‘tea’ in Hindi. In India, ‘chaiwallahs’ (tea vendors) are present at street corners, brewing basic black tea with spices.
  • Chaiwallahs in India offer Chai in simple kettles and small tapered glasses. ‘Kasoras’ (Chai cups) made of low fired clay are also famous for imparting a distinct earthiness to the brew. After drinking, people will typically Throw away the kasoras.
  • The tale of ‘500 mile Chai’ originates from the many late night truck drivers stopping at small Chai stands, ‘dhabas’, on the Highway and asking for really strong, sweet Chai to help them drive “for another 500 miles.”

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